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For over a decade there has been a trend to ditch traditional New Year’s resolutions and pick one word to concentrate on for an entire...

A Rock or a Tree?

Have you ever played the popular party game “Would You Rather?” It is a game where a person has to make a decision, usually between two...

The Crisis Curve: Where do you land?

It is the middle of April 2020 and our country is in crisis. There is no doubt that the Corona-virus is an emotionally significant event...

Feeling Anxious? Try Using Slogans.

As the new Coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads globally, there is an increase in anxiety and panic.  Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, masks,...

Do you thrive in chaos?

There is no doubt that there are moments or even full days where life is chaotic at home or at work. Maybe it is 20 things happening all...

This is my story.

You know those moments in life, whether good or bad, that are so defining they mark a new chapter in your life? One year ago I began a...

A Resolution Twist: Pursue A Hobby

By the end of December, too many parties, cocktails, cookies, and lavish meals leave people feeling dull, stressed, bloated, and...

Every Tree is Beautiful.

I think Christmas trees are so beautiful. In fact, I think they are so beautiful that I have two full size trees in my home. Excessive?...

Expect the Unexpected.

I have a guilty pleasure and that is watching the TV show Big Brother. The show has been around for 16 seasons so the players in every...

Failure is not a cuss word.

150 days (5 months ago), I decided to explore personal goal setting on a deeper level and started a new 365 sole goal to do some sort of...

The Big 3: Believe, Expect, Achieve

This is the sixth post in a series reflecting on the book The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. This summary and...

Prescription for a peaceful mind.

Peale says that to be happier and healthier you need to empty your mind of struggles and change the pattern of your thoughts.

Keep your light bulb glowing

Imagine a world where humans walk around with light bulbs attached to the tops of their heads. The light bulbs are an indicator of the...

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